International Conference on Sustainable Cities
Water-Resistant Gypsum Binding Agents and Concretes Based Thereof as Promising Materials for Building Green
Domanskaya, I.^1,2 ; Bednyagin, S.^1 ; Fisher, H.-B.^3
Ural Federal University, 28 Mira str., Yekaterinburg
620002, Russia^1
Ural State University of Economics, 62 8 Marta str., Yekaterinburg
620144, Russia^2
Bauhaus University Weimar, 11 Coudray Road, Weimar
99421, Germany^3
关键词: Binding agent;    Calcium sulfate dihydrate;    Cementing material;    Climatic conditions;    Concrete wall;    Phase composition analysis;    Water resistant;    Water-resistances;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/177/1/012029/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1755-1315/177/1/012029
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

For gypsum-based cementing materials, environmental advantages are highlighted over Portland cement, and major method for increasing their water resistance are described. By the example of gypsum-lime slag binders, a successful application of water-resistant gypsums is demonstrated in the severe climatic conditions of the Ural region. Phase composition analysis results are presented for gypsum-lime slag stone-like material after years of operation as part of the concrete walls of enclosures. It is found that durability of the material can be explained by the formation of stable compounds: calcium sulfate dihydrate, calcium carbonates and calcium hydrosilicates of the type CSH(B).

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