4th International Scientific Conference SEA-CONF 2018
Three-layer informatics solution for demand response management in the smart grid context
Oprea, Simona-Vasilica^1 ; Bâra, Adela^1 ; Tor, Osman Bulent^2
Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania^1
EPRA Engineering Procurement Research Analysis, Ankara, Turkey^2
关键词: Aggregation mechanism;    Demand response;    Energy systems;    European union;    Generation technologies;    Informatics;    Renewable generation;    Three-layer;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/172/1/012001/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1755-1315/172/1/012001
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】
In consistency with the European Union (EU) vision of creating an electric power system that integrates renewables and enables flexible consumption and generation technologies by means of smart grid (SG) implementation, the main aim of the paper is to develop different level of aggregation mechanisms design that facilitates demand response (DR) and energy systems to utilize up to 100% renewable generation. In this paper, we will present a three-layer informatics solution for demand response management in the smart grid context. The data model will be developed as a scalable and customized framework using open solutions based on cloud computing.
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