2nd International Symposium on Resource Exploration and Environmental Science
Coal-fired Utility Boiler Operation Factors Analysis and Optimization Measures
Li, Henan^1
Dalian Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspection Institute, Dalian
116000, China^1
关键词: Coal fired utility boilers;    Coal-pulverizing systems;    Corrosion and wears;    Economic operations;    Flue gas temperatures;    Load characteristics;    Optimization measures;    Temperature deviation;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/170/4/042074/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1755-1315/170/4/042074
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】
Factors affecting the operation of boiler safety, economy and environment is complex, involving the furnace combustion process optimization adjustment, slagging in the furnace, dust, corrosion and wear, such as process, and the flue gas temperature deviation, temperature deviation, and the coal pulverizing system and other auxiliary system safe and economic operation, etc, coal blending technology and low pollution technology is also closely related to the operation.These factors relate to each other and influence each other, for these reasons, in large changes in the coal boiler, combustion equipment, boiler overhaul after reform and new unit test for boiler combustion system optimization and adjustment after the production, in order to master the operation of the boiler under various load characteristics, so as to achieve economic, security, environmental protection operation of boiler coordinate with each other.
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