2nd International Symposium on Resource Exploration and Environmental Science
Research on filed flowrate measuring technology of stack gas for stationary emission source
Li, Haiyang^1 ; Zhang, Jinming^1 ; Liu, Bo^1 ; Zhang, Liang^2 ; Liu, Xing^3
Shanghai Institute of Measurement and Testing Technology, Shanghai
201203, China^1
National Institute of Metrology, Beijing
100029, China^2
Chongqing Academy of Metrology and Quality Inspection, 401123, China^3
关键词: Application prospect;    Coal-fired power plant;    Greenhouse gas emission reduction;    Measurement-based;    Measuring method;    Measuring technology;    Stationary emission source;    Velocity-area methods;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/170/3/032055/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1755-1315/170/3/032055
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

Under the background of greenhouse gas emission reduction and environmental protection verification becoming a hot spot of social concern, the basic principle and method of filed flowrate measuring technology of stack gas for stationary emission source are introduced in this paper. The key of stack gas flowrate measurement based on velocity-area method is to measure the area of the cross section and the average velocity in the cross section. This paper introduces tow measuring methods of S-pitot tube and multi-path ultrasonic flowmeter. And then, an application of the two measuring methods of stack gas flowrate in a coal-fired power plant in Henan is given. At last, the measuring results of the two methods were analysed and compared, and it was considered that either the S-pitot tube or multi-path ultrasonic flowmeter has a wide application prospect in gas flowrate measurement.

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