8th International Conference on Environment Science and Engineering
Bioremediation Process for Oil Contaminated Underground Water
Imani, M.^1 ; Miangoleh, M. Ebrahimnejad^2 ; Abadi, A. Mokhtarpoor Bazmin^3
Azarnegar Sari Company, Shahabi street, Sari, Mazandaran, Iran^1
Bargh Araye Shomal Company, khazar steert, Sari, Mazandaran, Iran^2
Gardening Department, Islamic Azad University of Science and Research Unit, Tehran, Iran^3
关键词: Contaminant dispersion;    Experiment data;    Injection rates;    Model results;    Pollutant dispersions;    Surface soil;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/167/1/012032/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1755-1315/167/1/012032
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

The petroleum crude is a pollutant that penetrates from surface soils and reaches to the underground water sources. An experimental setup was used for validating bioremediation method that prevents pollutant dispersion in the underground water sources. For this purpose, diluted Autotrophicus bacterium the water was injected into a reservoir and recovered from a well at downstream. Furthermore, a numerical model based on diffusion of the pollutant in the porous media and a disappearing reaction rate was used for validation of existing models in proposed method. Finally, experimental and model results show that injection rate of microorganism has an optimum. In present work, bioremediation process in the experimental setup that has a recycling pattern was introduced for tracing of contaminant dispersion, and the results of a numerical modeling was validated versus experiment data. Moreover, biodegradation reaction cause to reduction of pollutant dispersion flux that shows better microorganism performance in the aquifer.

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