1st ITB Centennial and 4th PlanoCosmo International Conference
Biogas Implementation as Waste Management Effort in Lembang Sub-district, West Bandung District
Alberdi, H.A.^1 ; Sagala, S.A.H.^2 ; Wulandari, Y.^1 ; Srajar, S.L.^2 ; Nugraha, D.^2
Resilience Development Initiative, Jalan Imperial 2 No. 52, Dago Asri Bandung, Indonesia^1
Institut Teknologi Bandung, Jalan Ganesha No. 10, Bandung, Indonesia^2
关键词: Alternative energy source;    Animal wastes;    Biogas digesters;    Economic activities;    Energy demands;    Energy supplies;    Management efforts;    Renewable energies;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/158/1/012031/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1755-1315/158/1/012031
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】
As the population and economic activities increase, energy demand will increase significantly too. In the near future, Indonesia will have more limitations on fossil fuel based energy. Therefore, sources of renewable energy have to be found. On the other hand, rural areas in Indonesia suffer from lack of energy supply. Therefore, energy resilient villages need to be created. Kampung Areng in Cibodas Village, Lembang sub-district is one of the locations declared as an energy resilient village. This study focused on Kampung Areng due to previous information and studies that have shown that the farmers in this area are capable of generating renewable energy through conversion of animal waste using biogas digesters. Biogas adoption was also initiated due to the issue of Cikapundung river pollution. Some people pointed their finger at Kampung Areng as the upstream source of this pollution due to irresponsible handling of animal waste. Thus, the idea emerged that biogas digester adoption in this area could solve the waste management issue while providing an alternative energy source for the community. In this paper, the authors aimed to identify the benefit and impact of biogas adoption in Cibodas Village, particularly regarding waste management.
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