1st International Conference on Tropical Studies and Its Application
Reassessment of forest area and its scoring as a permanent production forest
Sudarmadji, T.^1 ; Hartati, W.^1
Faculty of Forestry, Mulawarman University, Jl. Ki Hajar Dewantara, East Kalimantan, Samarinda, Indonesia^1
关键词: Fast-growing species;    Intensive forest management;    Natural forests;    Protected areas;    Rainfall distribution;    Standard values;    Vegetation condition;    Wood raw material;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/144/1/012051/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1755-1315/144/1/012051
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】
Along with the increasing demand for tropical timber, the need for wood raw materials is not enough just to rely on natural forests, and therefore in the early 1990s began to be developed timber estates concessions. The designation of forest areas can basically be altered using procedures established by the Ministry of and Forestry. PT Permata Borneo Abadi (PBA) as the holder of IUPHHK-HT covering 38.680 ha intends to propose changing of forest function from limited production forest (HPT) and convertible production forest (HPK) into permanent production forest (HP) to be developed as timber estates with fast growing species. Reassessment of forest function is intended to formulate official documents aimed to reevaluate IUPHHK-HT especially HPT and HPK. The assessment is based on established criteria and standard values (scores) covering topographic, soil and vegetation conditions as well as regional rainfall distribution. The assessment results indicate that there is an area with a slope of >40% of 840.18 ha with score >175 which must therefore as protected areas. The area of HPT that scored between 125-174 remains HPT is 12.287,77 ha. The area of HPT that scored
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