2018 Asia Conference on Energy and Environment Engineering
Study on the microwave catalytic pyrolysis characteristics and energy consumption analysis of oil shale
Chen, Chunxiang^1,3 ; Cheng, Zheng^1,3 ; Xu, Qing^2 ; Qin, Songheng^1,3
School of Electrical Engineering, Guangxi University, Nanning
30004, China^1
School of Mechanical and Power Engineering, Guang Ocean University, Zhanjiang
524000, China^2
National Demonstration Center for Experimental Electrical Engineering Education, Guangxi University, Nanning
30004, China^3
关键词: Catalytic effects;    Catalytic pyrolysis;    Energy consumption analysis;    Gas productions;    Metal oxidation;    Pyrolysis temperature;    Temperature characteristic;    Temperature rise;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/133/1/012021/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1755-1315/133/1/012021
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

In order to explore the high-efficient utilization of oil shale, the effects of different microwave powers and different kinds of catalysts (metal oxides and metal salts) on the temperature characteristics and product yield towards the oil shale are investigated by microwave catalytic pyrolysis. The results show that the effect of microwave power on the heating and pyrolysis rates of oil shale is significant, and the maximum output of shale oil is 5.1% when the microwave power is 1500W; CaO has a certain effect on the temperature rise of oil shale, and MgO and CuO have a certain degree of inhibition, but the addition of three kinds of metal oxidation is beneficial to increase the shale oil production; From the perspective of unit power consumption and gas production, the catalytic effect order of three kinds of metal oxides is MgO> CaO> CuO; The addition of three kinds of metal salts is favorable for the increase of pyrolysis temperature of oil shale, after adding 5% ZnCl2, the unit power consumption of shale oil and pyrolysis gas increases by 62.60% and 81.96% respectively. After adding 5% NaH2PO3, the unit power consumption of shale oil increases by 64.64%, and reduces by 9.56% by adding 5% MgCl2.

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