3rd International Conference on Energy Equipment Science and Engineering
Water Quality Assessment for Deep-water Channel area of Guangzhou Port based on the Comprehensive Water Quality Identification Index Method
Chen, Yi^1
2618, 2nd Xingang road, Tanggu District, Tianjin, China^1
关键词: Deep-water channels;    Pearl River estuary;    Pollution prevention and controls;    Quality classification;    Temporal variation;    Water environments;    Water quality assessments;    Water quality identification index;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/128/1/012156/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1755-1315/128/1/012156
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

The comprehensive water quality identification index method is able to assess the general water quality situation comprehensively and represent the water quality classification; water environment functional zone achieves pollution level and standard objectively and systematically. This paper selects 3 representative zones along deep-water channel of Guangzhou port and applies comprehensive water quality identification index method to calculate sea water quality monitoring data for different selected zones from year 2006 to 2014, in order to investigate the temporal variation of water quality along deep-water channel of Guangzhou port. The comprehensive water quality level from north to south presents an increased trend, and the water quality of the three zones in 2014 is much better than in 2006. This paper puts forward environmental protection measurements and suggestions for Pearl River Estuary, provides data support and theoretical basis for studied sea area pollution prevention and control.

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