3rd International Conference on Energy Equipment Science and Engineering
Study on Effects of The Shape of Cavitator on Supercavitation Flow Field Characteristics
Wang, Rui^1,2 ; Dang, Jianjun^1 ; Yao, Zhong^2
School of Marine Science and Technology, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an
710072, China^1
Northwest Institute of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Xianyang
712099, China^2
关键词: Cavity formation;    Cavity shape;    Different shapes;    Experimental research;    Flow field characteristics;    Resistance characteristics;    Supercavitating;    Supercavitation;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/128/1/012114/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1755-1315/128/1/012114
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】
The cavitator is the key part of the nose of the vehicle to induce the formation of supercavity, which has an important influence in the cavity formation rate, cavity shape and cavity stability. To study the influence of the shape on the supercavitation flew field characteristics, the cavity characteristics and the resistance characteristics of different shapes of cavitator under different working conditions are obtained by combining technical methods of numerical simulation and experimental research in water tunnel. The simulation results are contrast and analyzed with the test results. The analysis results show that : in terms of the cavity size, the inverted-conic cavitator can form the biggest cavity size, followed by the disk cavitator, and the truncated-conic cavitator is the least; in terms of the cavity formation speed, the inverted-conic cavitator has the fastest cavity formation speed, then is the truncated-conic cavitator, and the disk cavitator is the least; in terms of the drag characteristic, the truncated-conic cavitator has the maximum coefficient, disk cavitator is the next, the inverted-conic cavitator is the minimal. The research conclusion can provide reference and basis for the head shape design of supercavitating underwater ordnance and the design of hydrodynamic layout.
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