2nd Geoplanning - International Conference on Geomatics and Planning
Flood Risk Analysis in Denpasar City, Bali, Indonesia
Kusmiyarti, T.B.^1 ; Wiguna, P.P.K.^1 ; Ratna Dewi, N.K.R.^1
Center for Spatial Data Infrastructure Development (PPIDS), Udayana University, Bali, Indonesia^1
关键词: Bali , Indonesia;    Drainage density;    Flood hazards;    Flood risk analysis;    Flood risks;    Population;    Population densities;    Tourist destinations;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/123/1/012012/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1755-1315/123/1/012012
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】
Denpasar city is a Capital City of Bali Province and one of the leading tourist destinations in Indonesia. Denpasar area is relatively flat with high rain fall intensity with the domince of settlement. This makes Denpasar City becomes prone area of flood. The aim of this research is to find out the spatial distribution flood hazard and the risk of population which are affected to the flood hazard. Weighting, scoring and overlaying method were used in this research. Six indicators were used to analyze the flood hazard: landuse, rainfall, type of soil, slope, altitute and drainage density. The vulnerability is analyzed per Desa or Kelurahan (Rustic/Neighborhood) with the indicator of age, education and population density. Risk was calculated by multiplied hazard with vulnerability and divided with coping capacity. In this research, coping capacity is determined by the amount of internal budget for each Desa or Kelurahan for development purpose. Flood risk in Denpasar city is divided into five classes, very low risk, low risk, medium risk, high risk and very high risk. Total population with very high risk reached 202478 people or 13.16% of total population. The total area is 780.7 ha or 16.02% from total settlement in Denpasar city. Total population with high risk reached 202478 people or 13.16% of total population. The total area is 780.7 ha or 16.02% from total settlement in Denpasar city. The number of population with medium risk reached 202478 people or 33.51% of total population which occupied 22.95% of total settlements or 1118.18 ha. The total number of population with low risk reached 79435 people or 13.14% of total population with area of low flood risk is 716.89 ha or 14.71% of total settlements in Denpasar City. Very low flood risk with total population at risk reached 19184 people or 31.74% of total population and occupied 2003.54 areas or 41.12% of total areas of settlements.
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