International Conference on Agriculture, Environment, and Food Security
Some climatological factors of pine in the lake toba catchment area
Nasution, Z.^1
Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Indonesia^1
关键词: Air temperature;    Catchment area;    Climate factors;    Climatological factors;    Correlation coefficient;    Evaporation process;    Pinus merkusii;    Temperature and relative humidity;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/122/1/012075/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1755-1315/122/1/012075
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

The article deals with climatological factors of Pine at the Lake Toba Catchment Area also called drained basin, Pinus merkusii is a plant endemic in Sumatra. A central population of Pine in North Sumatra is located in the Tapanuli region to south of Lake Toba. Junghuhn discovered the species in the mountains range of Sipirok. He provisionally named the species as Pinus sumatrana. The article presents a detail analysis of approaches to climate factors, considers rainfall, air temperature, humidity, stemflow, throughfall and Interception following calculation of regression to determine relationship between precipitation with stemflow and interception. Stemflow, it is highly significant with significance of difference between correlation coefficients and z normal distribution. Temperature and relative humidity are the important components in the climate. These components influence the evaporation process and rainfall in the catchment. Pinus merkusii has the big crown interception. Stemflow and Interception has an opposite relation. Increasing of interception capacity will decrease stemflow. This type of Pine also has rough bark however significant channels so that, it flows water even during the wet season and caused the stemflow in Pinus merkusii relatively bigger.

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