International Conference on Agriculture, Environment, and Food Security
Effect of rice husk biochar application to soil insect diversity on potato cultivation
Meilin, A.^1 ; Rubiana, R.^1
Jambi Assessment Institute for Agricultural Technology, Jalan Samarinda Paal Lima, Kotabaru, Jambi
36128, Indonesia^1
关键词: High intensity;    Insect diversity;    Pesticide residue;    Pitfall traps;    Rice husk;    Rice husk biochar;    Soil structure;    Species composition;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/122/1/012046/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1755-1315/122/1/012046
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】
High intensity of disease infection and the intensive use of fertilizers and pesticidescause saturated fertilizer and pesticide to the land. Remediation using biochar rice husk is one of the technology to decrease fertilizer and pesticide residue. The diversity of soil insects can be used as bioindicators because of their existence dependsg on soil structure and condition. This study was aimed to study the diversity and structure communities of soil insect in potatoes on difference husk rice biochar application. The sampling of soil insects was done on potato farmer's land with four treatments i.e control (farmers' technique), trichokompos without biochar, trichokompos + biochar with dose 1 ton/ha, and trichokompos + biochar with dose 2 ton / ha. At each point a single pitfall trap was installed for two nights and then it was taken for identification. The results showed that biochar application had significant effect on the number of soil insect species (P = 0.037). The soil insect species composition pattern also showed significant differences between the four treatments (R: 0.2306, Pvalue = 0.001). This mean that the application of biochar affects the number of insects species and plays a role in the formation of soil insect diversity beta patterns.
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