2017 3rd International Conference on Environmental Science and Material Application
Resident Load Influence Analysis Method for Price Based on Non-intrusive Load Monitoring and Decomposition Data
Jiang, Wenqian^1 ; Zeng, Bo^1 ; Yang, Zhou^1 ; Li, Gang^1
Guangxi Power Grid Electric Power Research Institute, Nanning, China^1
关键词: Cross-elasticities;    Electrical equipment;    Household loads;    Influence analysis;    Load classification;    Load decompositions;    Load monitoring;    Nonintrusive load monitoring;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/108/5/052047/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1755-1315/108/5/052047
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

In the non-invasive load monitoring mode, the load decomposition can reflect the running state of each load, which will help the user reduce unnecessary energy costs. With the demand side management measures of time of using price, a resident load influence analysis method for time of using price (TOU) based on non-intrusive load monitoring data are proposed in the paper. Relying on the current signal of the resident load classification, the user equipment type, and different time series of self-elasticity and cross-elasticity of the situation could be obtained. Through the actual household load data test with the impact of TOU, part of the equipment will be transferred to the working hours, and users in the peak price of electricity has been reduced, and in the electricity at the time of the increase Electrical equipment, with a certain regularity.

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