2017 3rd International Conference on Environmental Science and Material Application
A random walk model to simulate the atmospheric dispersion of radionuclide
Zhuo, Jun^1 ; Huang, Liuxing^1 ; Niu, Shengli^1 ; Xie, Honggang^1 ; Kuang, Feihong^1
Northwest Institute of Nuclear Technology, Xi'an
710024, China^1
关键词: Atmospheric dispersion;    Concentration distributions;    Dispersion characteristics;    Dry and wet depositions;    European tracer experiments;    Meteorological fields;    Numerical simulation method;    Radionuclide migration;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/108/4/042017/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1755-1315/108/4/042017
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

To investigate the atmospheric dispersion of radionuclide in large-medium scale, a numerical simulation method based on random walk model for radionuclide atmospheric dispersion was established in the paper. The route of radionuclide migration and concentration distribution of radionuclide can be calculated out by using the method with the real-time or historical meteorological fields. In the simulation, a plume of radionuclide is treated as a lot of particles independent of each other. The particles move randomly by the fluctuations of turbulence, and disperse, so as to enlarge the volume of the plume and dilute the concentration of radionuclide. The dispersion of the plume over time is described by the variance of the particles. Through statistical analysis, the relationships between variance of the particles and radionuclide dispersion characteristics can be derived. The main mechanisms considered in the physical model are: (1) advection of radionuclide by mean air motion, (2) mixing of radionuclide by atmospheric turbulence, (3) dry and wet deposition, (4) disintegration. A code named RADES was developed according the method. And then, the European Tracer Experiment (ETEX) in 1994 is simulated by the RADES and FLEXPART codes, the simulation results of the concentration distribution of tracer are in good agreement with the experimental data.

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