4th International Seminar on Sustainable Urban Development
Activities of four bus terminals of Semarang City gateway and the related GHG emission
Huboyo, H.S.^1 ; Wardhana, I.W.^1 ; Sutrisno, E.^1 ; Wangi, L.S.^1 ; Lina, R.A.^1
Environmental Engineering Department, Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang, Indonesia^1
关键词: CO2e;    GHG emission;    Idling time;    Public transport;    Semarang;    Vehicle movements;    Vehicle types;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/106/1/012075/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1755-1315/106/1/012075
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

The activities of the bus terminal, including loading-unloading passengers, bus idling, and bus movements at the terminal, will emit GHG's emission. This research analyzes GHG emission from four terminals, i.e., Mangkang, Terboyo, Penggaron, and Sukun in Semarang City. The emission was estimated by observing detail activities of public transport means, especially for moving and idling time. The emission was calculated by Tier 2 method based on the vehicle type as well as fuel consumption. The highest CO2e during vehicle movements at Sukun area was contributed by large bus about 2.08 tons/year, while at Terboyo terminal was contributed by medium bus about 347.97 tons/year. At Mangkang terminals, the highest emission for vehicle movements was attributed by medium bus as well of about 53.18 tons/year. At last, Penggaron terminal's highest GHG emission was attributed by BRT about 26.47 tons/year. During idling time, the highest contributor to CO2e was the large bus at the three terminals, i.e., Sukun of 43.53 tons/year, Terboyo of 196.56 tons/year, and Mangkang of 84.26 tons/year, while at Penggaron, BRT dominated with CO2e of 26.47 tons/year. The management of public transport in terminals is crucial to mitigate the emission related to bus terminals activities.

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