1st International Global on Renewable Energy and Development
Parameter setting for peak fitting method in XPS analysis of nitrogen in sewage sludge
Tang, Z.J.^1 ; Fang, P.^1 ; Huang, J.H.^1 ; Zhong, P.Y.^1
South China Institute of Environmental Sciences, Ministry of Environmental Protection, Guangzhou
510655, China^1
关键词: Curve fitting methods;    Functional forms;    Nitrogen functional groups;    Optimized parameter;    Optimum parameters;    Parameter setting;    Spectrophotometry methods;    Thermal decomposition methods;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/100/1/012207/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1755-1315/100/1/012207
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】
Thermal decomposition method is regarded as an important route to treat increasing sewage sludge, while the high content of N causes serious nitrogen related problems, then figuring out the existing form and content of nitrogen of sewage sludge become essential. In this study, XPSpeak 4.1 was used to investigate the functional forms of nitrogen in sewage sludge, peak fitting method was adopted and the best-optimized parameters were determined. According to the result, the N1s spectra curve can be resolved into 5 peaks: pyridine-N (398.7±0.4eV), pyrrole-N(400.5±0.3eV), protein-N(400.4eV), ammonium-N(401.1±0.3eV) and nitrogen oxide-N(403.5±0.5eV). Based on the the experimental data obtained from elemental analysis and spectrophotometry method, the optimum parameters of curve fitting method were decided: background type: Tougaard, FWHM 1.2, 50% Lorentzian-Gaussian. XPS methods can be used as a practical tool to analysis the nitrogen functional groups of sewage sludge, which can reflect the real content of nitrogen of different forms.
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