1st International Global on Renewable Energy and Development
Summary of water body extraction methods based on ZY-3 satellite
Zhu, Yu^1,2,3 ; Sun, Li Jian^3 ; Zhang, Chuan Yin^3
Faculty of Geomatics, Lanzhou Jiaotong University, Lanzhou
730070, China^1
Gansu Provincial Engineering Laboratory for National Geographic State Monitoring, Lanzhou
730070, China^2
Chinese Academy of Surveying and Mapping, Beijing
100039, China^3
关键词: Image segmentation process;    Multi-band operations;    Probability statistic;    Remote sensing images;    Spectral characteristics;    Spectral information;    Surface reflectance;    Water-body extractions;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/100/1/012200/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1755-1315/100/1/012200
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

Extracting from remote sensing images is one of the main means of water information extraction. Affected by spectral characteristics, many methods can be not applied to the satellite image of ZY-3. To solve this problem, we summarize the extraction methods for ZY-3 and analyze the extraction results of existing methods. According to the characteristics of extraction results, the method of WI& single band threshold and the method of texture filtering based on probability statistics are explored. In addition, the advantages and disadvantages of all methods are compared, which provides some reference for the research of water extraction from images. The obtained conclusions are as follows. 1) NIR has higher water sensitivity, consequently when the surface reflectance in the study area is less similar to water, using single band threshold method or multi band operation can obtain the ideal effect. 2) Compared with the water index and HIS optimal index method, object extraction method based on rules, which takes into account not only the spectral information of the water, but also space and texture feature constraints, can obtain better extraction effect, yet the image segmentation process is time consuming and the definition of the rules requires a certain knowledge. 3) The combination of the spectral relationship and water index can eliminate the interference of the shadow to a certain extent. When there is less small water or small water is not considered in further study, texture filtering based on probability statistics can effectively reduce the noises in result and avoid mixing shadows or paddy field with water in a certain extent.

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