1st International Global on Renewable Energy and Development
Terrestrial and oceanic transport processes of Cu in Jiaozhou Bay
Yu, Chen^1 ; Hong, Ai^1 ; Danfeng, Yang^2 ; Huijuan, Zhao^1 ; Dongfang, Yang^3,4
College of Information, Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai
201306, China^1
College of Information Science and Engineering, Fudan University, Shanghai
200433, China^2
College of Marine Environment and Ecology, Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai
201306, China^3
North China Sea Environmental Monitoring Center, SOA, Qingdao
266033, China^4
关键词: Human activities;    Jiaozhou Bay;    Land surface;    Marine traffic;    Natural factors;    Overland runoffs;    Seasonal variation;    Transport process;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/100/1/012126/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1755-1315/100/1/012126
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】
This paper analyzed the terrestrial and oceanic transport processes of Cu in Jiaozhou Bay. Results showed that the terrestrial transport processes included three stages of 1) the existence of Cu in the nature, 2) the leaching of Cu from soil and land surface, and 3) the transport of Cu to ocean by stream flow and overland runoff. The oceanic transport processes included three stages of 1) Cu was input to the bay by marine current, 2) Cu was input to the bay by island top directly, and 3) Cu was input to the bay by marine traffic directly. The existence of Cu in marine bay were determined bay both human activity and natural factor. The seasonal variation of Cu contents were determined by the terrestrial and oceanic transport processes jointly.
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