5th Geoinformation Science Symposium 2017
Multiscale Spatial Assessment of Determinant Factors of Land Use Change: Study at Urban Area of Yogyakarta
Susilo, Bowo^1
Department of Geographic Information Science, Faculty of Geography, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia^1
关键词: Degree of correlations;    Determinant factors;    Population growth;    Spatial and temporal analysis;    Spatial assessment;    Spatial determinants;    Spatial resolution;    Yogyakarta;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/98/1/012015/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1755-1315/98/1/012015
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

Studies of land use change have been undertaken by different researchers using various methods. Among those methods, modelling is widely utilized. Modelling land use change required several components remarked as model variables. Those represent any conditions or factors which considered relevant or have some degree of correlation to the changes of land use. Variables which have significant correlation to land use change are referred as determinant factors or driving forces. Those factors as well as changes of land use are distributed across space and therefore referred as spatial determinant factors. The main objective of the research was to examine land use change and its determinant factors. Area and location of land use change were analysed based on three different years of land use maps, which are 1993, 2000 and 2007. Spatial and temporal analysis were performed which emphasize to the influence of scale to both of analysis's. Urban area of Yogyakarta was selected as study area. Study area covered three different districts (kabupaten), involving 20 sub districts and totally consists of 74 villages. Result of this study shows that during 14 years periods (1993 to 2007), there were about 1,460 hectares of land use change had been taken place. Dominant type of land use change is agricultural to residential. The uses of different spatial and temporal scale in analysis were able to reveal different factors related to land use change. In general, factors influencing the quantities of land use change in the study area were population growth and the availability of land. The use of data with different spatial resolution can reveal the presence of various factors associated with the location of the change. Locations of land use change were influenced or determined by accessibility factors.

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