International Conference on Environment and Technology 2017
Analysis of Factors Affecting the Success of Onions Development Program in Kampar Regency
Amalia, A.^1 ; Putri, Asgami^1
Universsitas Lancang Kuning, Pekanbaru
28265, Indonesia^1
关键词: Dependent variables;    Development programs;    factors affecting;    Independent variables;    onion;    Plant development;    research methods;    Sampling method;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/97/1/012038/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1755-1315/97/1/012038
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】
The purpose of this study is to analyze the factors influencing the success of the onion plant development program in Kampar regency. The research method used was the applied survey method using interview technique and observation or direct supervision on the location of the object. The briefing of the interviews as well as the accuracy of collecting the required data was guided by the structured questionnaires. Determination technique of location / region sampling was done purposively based on the potency and capacity of commodity development. While the respondents were taken by cluster purvosive sampling method in order to classify the samples in accordance with the purpose of the study, determined by as many as 100 people taken from members of the farmer group. Analytical technique used is by using Logic Regression Analysis to determine the factors that influence the success of the program seen from the characteristics of farmers. From the results of this study it can be concluded that the factors influencing the success of onion development program in Kampar regency were a age (X1), education (X2), income (X3), ethnicity (X4), jobs (X5) And family responsibility (X6) could be made as follows: Log Y (P/1-p) = -1.778 +X10.021+ X20.028- X30.213+ X41.986+ X52.930- X60.455From the above equation, it can be explained that the attributes that are positively related are X1 (age), X2 (education), X4 (ethnicity) and X5 (jobs) while the negative correlates are X3 (income) and X6 (family responsibility). From the logical regression result it can be seen that the significant value
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