International Conference on Environment and Technology 2017
Planning Of Drainage Channel Dimension In The Core Zone Of Muara Takus Temple
Saleh, Alfian^1
Universitas Lancang Kuning, Jl, Yos Sudarso Km.8, Pekanbaru, Rumbai-Pekanbaru
28265, Indonesia^1
关键词: Channel dimension;    Cultural heritages;    Dimensional analysis;    Discharge calculation;    Drainage channels;    Hydrological impacts;    Muara Takus Temple;    Rainy seasons;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/97/1/012016/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1755-1315/97/1/012016
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

Preservation of Cultural Heritage is a dynamic effort to maintain the existence of cultural heritage by protecting, developing, and utilizing the cultural heritage in the contemporary context. To protect the cultural heritage in term of conservation called protection of which the effort to prevent and overcome from damage, it needs to do destruction or obliteration through rescue, security, zoning, maintenance, and restoration of cultural heritage. The most fundamental issue is the hydrological impact of the existence of Hydroelectric Power Koto Panjang located around Muara Takus temple that could threaten the sustainability of the region. In this case, hydroelectric dam frequently causes Kampar Kanan River overflowed thus potentially floods, especially in the rainy season that could eventually submerges Muara Takus area. The total area of the region Muara Takus enshrinement is ± 94.5 hectares that are divided into two main parts. Those are the terrestrial land of ± 56.44 m2, and PLTA Koto Panjang lake of ± 38.06 m2. Consequently, it is necessary for drainage planning of economical dimension in the core zone of Muara Takus temple. Furthermore, from the data of the maximum rainfall of 101 mm/day obtained a discharge of rainfall of 0.38 m3/second so that this discharge of rainfall can be designed drainage channel dimension to accommodate the discharge of rainfall. From the analysis of dimension designed drainage is the size of 30 cm x 45 cm. this dimension can accommodate the discharge rainfall that is equal to 0.43 m3 / second. Regarding the finding, it can be concluded that the discharge of rainfall that occurred less than discharge calculation of dimensional analysis of drainage channel so that the size of this dimension can accommodate discharge rainfall occurs.

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