World Multidisciplinary Earth Sciences Symposium 2017
Example of Qanats for the Sustainability of Groundwater Usage, Antalya-Turkey
Ciftci, Ismail^1 ; Leventeli, Yasemin^2
Antalya Provincial Administration, Antalya, Turkey^1
Akdeniz University, Department of Geological Engineering, Antalya
07058, Turkey^2
关键词: Geological modeling;    Geological units;    Ground water table;    Physical and chemical properties;    Supply waters;    Vertical wells;    Water management systems;    Water projects;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/95/2/022027/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1755-1315/95/2/022027
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】
The protection of the existing resources has become much more important than getting fresh water. The traditional methods, like well and pump, can reduce the groundwater level and dry up the reservoirs. On the other hand, there are some environmentally friendly methods like "qanat". Qanat is a water management system which has been used to supply water in semi-arid and arid regions for a long time; for example, in Iran, Iraq, Morocco, Oman etc. The system consists of many vertical well connected by gently sloping tunnel with tapping into the groundwater table. The main idea is to reduce the evaporation and leakage, keep the natural balance of the groundwater without pumping. The main idea in this study is to find suitable places for qanats in terms of geology and hydrology and to create a model for new water projects in Antalya. A "pilot area" near to Elmali, which is one of the districts of Antalya, is selected. The geological units in the area are permeable - highly permeable micritic limestone and impermeable - poor permeable claystone - siltstone. The surface waters in the area are generally seasonal. The physical and chemical properties of surface waters were determined. The water in the area was classified "as very good quality water for drinking" and "very good for irrigations". Besides that, the study showed that "the geological model is very appropriate for "qanat" and to get water by gravitation without decreasing the groundwater table and damaging natural balance".
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