World Multidisciplinary Earth Sciences Symposium 2017
Determination of Particular Endogenous Fires Hazard Zones in Goaf with Caving of Longwall
Tutak, Magdalena^1 ; Brodny, Jaroslaw^2
Silesian University of Technology, Akademicka 2 Street, Gliwice
44-100, Poland^1
Silesian University of Technology, Roosevelta 26-28 Street, Zabrze
41-800, Poland^2
关键词: FLUENT software;    Geological conditions;    Hazard criteria;    Modeling of gas flows;    Occupational safety;    Oxygen concentrations;    Simulation calculation;    Underground coal mining;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/95/4/042026/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1755-1315/95/4/042026
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

Hazard of endogenous fires is one of the basic and common presented occupational safety hazards in coal mine in Poland and in the world. This hazard means possibility of coal self-ignition as the result of its self-heating process in mining heading or its surrounding. In underground coal-mining during ventilating of operating longwalls takes place migration of parts of airflow to goaf with caving. In a case when in these goaf a coal susceptible to selfignition occurs, then the airflow through these goaf may influence on formation of favourable conditions for coal oxidation and subsequently to its self-heating and self-ignition. Endogenous fire formed in such conditions can pose a serious hazard for the crew and for continuity of operation of mining plant. From the practical point of view, a very significant meaning has determination of the zone in the goaf with caving, in which necessary conditions for occurrence of endogenous fire are fulfilled. In the real conditions determination of such a zone is practically impossible. Therefore, authors of paper developed a methodology of determination of this zone basing on the results of modelling tests. This methodology includes a development of model of tested area, determination of boundary conditions and carrying out the simulation calculations. Based on the obtained results particular hazardous zone of endogenous fire is determined. A base for development of model of investigated region and selection of boundary conditions are the results of real tests. In the paper fundamental assumption of developed methodology, particularly in a range of assumed hazard criterion and sealing coefficient of goaf with caving were discussed. Also a mathematical model of gas flow through the porous media was characterized. Example of determination of a zone particularly endangered by endogenous fire for real system of mining heading in one of the hard coal mine was presented. Longwall ventilated in the "Y" system was subjected to the tests. For determined mining-geological conditions, the critical value of velocity of airflow and oxygen concentration in goaf, conditioning initiation of coal oxidation process were determined. For calculations ANSYS Fluent software based on finite volume method, which enable very precisely to determine the physical and chemical air and parameters at any point of tested mining heading and goaf with caving was used. Such precisely determination of these parameters on the base of the test in real conditions is practically impossible. Obtained results allowed to take early proper actions in order to limit the occurrence of endogenous fire. One can conclude, that presented methodology creates great possibilities of practical application of modelling tests for improvement of the occupational safety state in mine.

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