Energy Management of Municipal Transportation Facilities and Transport - EMMFT 2017
Infrastructural development factors of leasing entrepreneurship in real sector of economy
Aleksandrova, Olga^1 ; Ivleva, Elena^2 ; Kirdyashkin, Alexey^3 ; Shashina, Nina^3
Syzran Branch of Samara State Technical University, Sovetskaya Str. 45, Syzran, Russia^1
St. Petersburg University of Management Technologies and Economics, Lermontovskiy Ave 44, St. Petersburg, Russia^2
St. Petersburg Institute of Economics and Management, Bolshaya Pushkarskaya str., 35, St. Petersburg, Russia^3
关键词: Construction sectors;    Energy companies;    Growth potential;    Growth restriction;    Infrastructural development;    Infrastructure development;    Long-term period;    Real estate development;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/90/1/012004/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1755-1315/90/1/012004
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

Given paper is aimed at determining factors, which influence leasing infrastructure development. It also examines the possibilities of overcoming infrastructural growth restrictions and barriers to the development of enterprises of industry, and construction sector. The phenomenon of infrastructural changes has been poorly researched economically and institutionally. These are a kind of quantitative and qualitative growth potential for the economy, for short and long-term periods for transportation or energy company and real estate development company.

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