3rd International Conference on Water Resource and Environment
Radioactivity of seawater nearby Daya Bay Nuclear Power Station
Deng, F.^1 ; Lin, Q.^1 ; Zhou, R.D.^1 ; Chen, W.L.^1 ; Chen, Z.D.^1
Guangdong Environment Radiation Monitoring Center, Guangzhou
510300, China^1
关键词: Average concentration;    Concentration ranges;    Cumulative effects;    Daya Bay;    Daya Bay nuclear power station;    Liquid effluents;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/82/1/012038/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1755-1315/82/1/012038
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

The radioactivity of seawater nearby Daya Bay NPPs was introduced in this paper. The average annual concentrations of90Sr and137Cs ranged from 0.55∼2.38 and 0.81∼4.68 Bq•m-3respectively during 1993∼2015. The average annual concentration range of3H is 0.8∼7 Bq•L-1. The concentration range of14C is 7.6 - 8.6 Bq•m-3, and the concentration of3H and14C is higher than that of the reference location or the background, but with no cumulative effect. The concentrations of90Sr and137Cs in seawater have no obvious relationship with the nuclear liquid effluent discharging. The average concentrations of238U and232Th were 24.6±10.6 and 18.1±7.5 Bq•m-3respectively during 2000∼2008.

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