3rd International Conference on Agricultural and Biological Sciences
Development of newly enriched bread with quinoa flour and whey
Salazar, D.M.^1 ; Naranjo, M.^1 ; Pérez, L.V.^1 ; Valencia, A.F.^1 ; Acurio, L.P.^1 ; Gallegos, L.M.^2 ; Alvarez, F.C.^1 ; Amancha, P.I.^1 ; Valencia, M.P.^2 ; Rodriguez, C.A.^1 ; Arancibia, M.Y.^1
Department of Food Science and Engineering, Technical University of Ambato, Av. Los Chasquis and Rio Payamino, Ambato
Z.C. 180150, Ecuador^1
Department of Health Science, Technical University of Ambato, Ambato
Z.C. 180103, Ecuador^2
关键词: Baked product;    Ecuador;    High volumes;    Nutritional value;    Sensory characteristics;    Shelf life;    Wheat flours;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/77/1/012018/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1755-1315/77/1/012018
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】
Ecuador, Bolivia, and Peru are countries with the highest amount of quinoa production in the world due to the proximity to the Andes. Further, Ecuador has a high production of dairy products, particularly fresh cheese of which production gives a high volume of whey, without further use, with the consequent loss of their nutritional value. The present study was performed to develop a new fortified bread through the incorporation of quinoa flour and whey at three different concentrations. The use of quinoa and whey improved the texture, shelf life and sensory characteristics of bread, compared to those prepared with wheat flour. This study shows the potential of quinoa flour and whey as ingredients in the development of baked products.
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