International Conference on Sustainable Cities
Strategy of Construction and Demolition Waste Management after Chemical Industry Facilities Removal
Tashkinova, I.N.^1 ; Batrakova, G.M.^1 ; Vaisman, Ya.I.^1
Department of Environmental Protection, Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Komsomolsky Ave. 29, Perm
614990, Russia^1
关键词: Construction and demolition waste;    Conventional techniques;    Industrial buildings;    Industrial metabolism;    Industrial projects;    Preventive measures;    Resource potentials;    Strategy of constructions;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/72/1/012008/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1755-1315/72/1/012008
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】
Mixed waste products are generated in the process of irrelevant industrial projects' removal if conventional techniques of their demolition and dismantling are applied. In Russia the number of unused chemical industry facilities including structures with high rate of wear is growing. In removing industrial buildings and production shops it is used conventional techniques of demolition and dismantling in the process of which mixed waste products are generated. The presence of hazardous chemicals in these wastes makes difficulties for their use and leads to the increasing volume of unutilized residues. In the process of chemical industry facilities' removal this fact takes on special significance as a high level of hazardous chemicals in the waste composition demands for the realization of unprofitable measures aimed at ensuring environmental and industrial safety. The proposed strategy of managing waste originated from the demolition and dismantling of chemical industry facilities is based on the methodology of industrial metabolism which allows identifying separate material flows of recycled, harmful and ballast components, performing separate collection of components during removal and taking necessary preventive measures. This strategy has been tested on the aniline synthesis plant being in the process of removal. As a result, a flow of 10 wt. %, subjected to decontamination, was isolated from the total volume of construction and demolition waste (C&D waste). The considered approach allowed using the resource potential of more than 80wt. % of waste and minimizing the disposed waste volume.
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