3rd International Conference of Planning in the Era of Uncertainty
Perception study about visitors related to development of Rowo Bayu attractions in Kecamatan Songgon Banyuwangi
Mahayu, A.G.^1
Department of Regional and Urban Planning, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang
65147, Indonesia^1
关键词: Analysis techniques;    Historical heritages;    Mutual interaction;    Related variables;    Satisfaction rates;    Signal strengths;    Supporting capacities;    Transportation mode;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/70/1/012048/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1755-1315/70/1/012048
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】
The development of tourism was a process of sustainability, and it was not stand-alone activity because it must involve various sectors. Tourism planning must take into consideration the existing condition and supporting capacity because it should create a long-term mutual interaction in achieving goals such as increasing community welfare and ensuring the sustainability of environmental supporting capacity in the future. Rowo Bayu Tourist Object was greatly potential to be developed into historical and also natural objects of scenery. Some historical heritages of Tawangalun Palace were exposed beautifully by the marsh and this situation could be cultivated into water-based tourism. However, Rowo Bayu Tourist Object still lacked of supporting facilities such as security post, parking lot, cleaning service, prayer house, and others that led only to the inconvenience of the visitors. In this research, the perception of visitors on importance and satisfaction rates of tourist object-related variables was measured. These variables included attraction, accomodation, accessibility, facility, information, and utility, which were then subjected to the analysis technique of IPA. Result of analysis found 14 attributes that were important for tourist object development but in bad condition. These attributes were: the availability of security guard, the availability of food and beverage providers, the availability of transportation modes to the tourist object, the availability of parking lot, the availability of toilet, the availability of garbage can, the availability of information center, the availability of prayer house, the availability of ATM, the availability of fuel-station (SPBU), the availability of tourist object promotion tools, the availability of tour guide, the availability of electricity, and the signal strength of mobile phones. After IPA was finished, it was followed by AHP analysis.
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