International Symposium on Resource Exploration and Environmental Science
Synthesis and analysis of foam drainage agent for gas well in Jilin Oilfield
Qiao, Sanyuan^1 ; Liu, Qingwang^1 ; Fan, Zhenzhong^1 ; Wang, Jigang^1 ; Xu, Jianjun^1
Northeast Petroleum University, DaQing, Heilongjiang
163318, China^1
关键词: Aeration rate;    Alcohol ether;    Condensate oil;    Foam drainage;    Foaming agent concentrations;    Foaming capacities;    Jilin oilfield;    Large temperature variations;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/64/1/012025/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1755-1315/64/1/012025
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

The gas well in Jilin oil field has the characteristics of large temperature variation range and high condensate oil content. So the foam drainage agent of the gas well in Jilin oil field needs to have the performance of oil resistance and less effected by temperature. In this paper, a main foaming agent named lauramidopropyl betaine (LAB) and two kinds of auxiliary foaming agent named sodium alcohol ether sulphate (AES) and lauramidopropylamine oxide (Lao). Through the evaluation of the static foaming capacity and dynamic liquid carrying capacity, the AES is more suitable for LAB. The foaming agent with 70% LAB and 30% AES has 138mm foam height with ROSS-Miles equipment; stirring foam volume can reach 480mL, the half-life of foam is 520s. When the ventilation volume is 8L/min the liquid carrying capacity of 10% of the condensate oil content reached 82g. When the foaming agent concentration is 2%, the liquid carrying capacity of 10% of the condensate oil content reached 75g. When the aeration rate reaches 8-10L/min, the liquid carrying capacity of foam drainage agent can reach the best. The foam drainage agent can retain the performance after 120°C aging for 12h, these performances above can satisfy the requirements for gas well foam drainage in Jilin Oil Field.

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