3rd International Conference on Energy Materials and Environment Engineering
The effect of drying degree on pulverulent rate and strength of lignite
Zhao, Xiaonan^1,2 ; Guo, Qihai^1,2 ; Ding, Li^1,2 ; Wu, Daohong^1,2
Pyrolysis and Qual. Eng. Technol. Research Center of Low Rank Coal and Organic Waste in Beijing City, Beijing
102200, China^1
Beijing Shenwu Environment and Energy Technology Co. Ltd., Beijing
102200, China^2
关键词: Dehydration rates;    Drying characteristics;    Drying temperature;    Drying time;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/61/1/012048/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1755-1315/61/1/012048
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

In order to obtain the drying characteristics of lignite, the effects of drying temperature and drying time on the pulverulent rate and strength of Tianji lignite were researched. The experimental results showed that lignite appeared obvious shrinkage, cracking and powdering in the process of drying. The fall strength and compressive strength of dry lignite decreased with the increase of dehydration rate. With the increase of drying time, the damage degree of pore structure of lignite increased, and part of the pore structure was blocked. With the increase of drying temperature, the damage degree of coal pore structure increased, and the pulverulent rate increased obviously, and fall strength and compressive strength decreased significantly. In order to improve the dehydration rate, fall strength and compressive strength, and reduce pulverulent rate, the drying time should be less than 4 hours, and drying temperature should be about 200°C.

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