The Three Sisters, klimaaktiv object of the month 12/2018
Kranzl, M.^1
aut, Graz
8010, Wielandgasse 36, Graz^1
关键词: Additional insulation;    Building complexes;    Construction design;    Construction method;    Low energy buildings;    Residential building;    Residential complexes;    Responsible person;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/323/1/012126/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1755-1315/323/1/012126
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】
In the lakeside city of Aspern in the 22nd district of Vienna, the homebuilding association for private employees has established the residential complex "The Three Sisters" on the construction site D22, a plot of land measuring 5, 200m2. When planning the building envelope of the three buildings which range from four to six floors, the responsible persons consciously decided to use the Wienerberger "Porotherm 50 W.i. Plan" brick. Thus, the first multi-storey residential building project has been constructed using the latest brick generation. The use of a mineral and monocoque construction method makes a significant contribution to eliminating the need for petroleum-based full heat insulation. Therefore, the building complex can throughout be categorized as a low-energy building. Further notable advantages of the applied construction method and building design include the use of an exterior wall system without additional insulation (upgraded insulation on the outside) to obtain a U-value of 0.12 W/m2K which corresponds the passive house standards. The high demands of the construction design in terms of ecological, economical and socio-cultural quality of the three building components are reflected in the ecological selection of construction materials, the persistence of the building complex and the stability of value, as well as apartment sizes, assisted living, smart-start-apartments, integrated green space concepts, roof terraces, urban gardening, etc. The TQB certification with 769 out of 1000 points has been obtained and the project has been awarded with klimaaktiv GOLD to prove the quality of the project and ensure quality assurance and management.
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