Green Resilient City - A framework to integrate the Green and Open Space Factor and climate simulations into everyday planning to support a green and climate-sensitive landscape and urban development | |
生态环境科学 | |
Reinwald, F.^1 ; Ring, Z.^1 ; Kraus, F.^2 ; Kainz, A.^3 ; Tötzer, T.^4 ; Damyanovic, D.^1 | |
Institute of Landscape Planning, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria^1 | |
Green4Cities GmbH, Vienna, Austria^2 | |
Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik (ZAMG), Vienna, Austria^3 | |
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Vienna, Austria^4 | |
关键词: Climate simulation; Ecological functions; Green infrastructure; Planning and development; Planning projects; Proof of concept; Urban development; Urban Heat Island Effects; | |
Others : DOI : 10.1088/1755-1315/323/1/012082 |
学科分类:环境科学(综合) | |
来源: IOP | |
【 摘 要 】
Continued urban growth, densification and the constantly increasing number of days with excessive heat provide challenging conditions for urban green infrastructure (UGI) and intensify the Urban Heat Island effect (UHI). Therefore, new approaches are required to improve the urban ecological function of buildings and to provide high-quality (urban) open spaces that affect the meso- and microclimate in a positive way. Based on the research project "Green Resilient City", this paper shows how climate simulations can support landscape and urban planning and development. A proof of concept for a multiscale tool set for the evaluation, regulation, and optimization of green and climate-sensitive urban planning projects is the overall aim. The tool-set combines a Green and Open Space Factor, as an urban planning index and controlling instrument, as well as three climate simulation models on different scales in order to harmonize them: the GREENPASS® as an optimization instrument on parcel and neighborhood level, MUKLIMO-3 on neighborhood and city level and Cosmo-CLM as evaluation tools on mesoclimatic and regional level. Several advantages arise from the unprecedented combination of these four instruments: It transfers the use of climate models to the planning process, enables the testing and optimization of different UGIs with a focus on how they can influence the climatic performance of the proposed design of an urban development or retrofit project and serves as a scientific basis for urban planning decisions on a political level.
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Green Resilient City - A framework to integrate the Green and Open Space Factor and climate simulations into everyday planning to support a green and climate-sensitive landscape and urban development | 1048KB | download |