The secret ingredient - the role of governance in green infrastructure development: through the examples of European cities
Körmöndi, B.^1 ; Tempfli, J.^2 ; Kocsis, J.B.^1^3^4 ; Adams, J.^5 ; Szkordilisz, F.E.^1^6
MUTK (Hungarian Urban Knowledge Centre), Hungary^1
Univ Ersity of Bamberg, Faculty of Humanities and Cultural Sciences, Department of Geography, Germany^2
Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Dept. of Sociology and Communication, Centre for Socio-Spatial Development Studies, Hungary^3
Institute of Geography, Geoeconomy and Sustainable Development, Hungary^4
University of Tennessee, CURENT, United States^5
University of Debrecen, Faculty of Science and Technology, Doctoral School of Earth Sciences, Hungary^6
关键词: Design and construction;    European cities;    Green infrastructure;    Living conditions;    Project development;    Technological advances;    Urban development;    Water surface;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/323/1/012024/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1755-1315/323/1/012024
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】
The first signs of considering green infrastructure in the process of urban planning appeared long before WWII with the developments of Chicago and Paris, for example, in the late 19th century. In order to relieve the increasingly crowded centres of fast-growing cities, the afforestation of public spaces and the creation of more liveable existing spaces became increasingly important; this includes the development and renovation of parks and water surfaces to adapt to urban needs and requirements, making the development of urban green infrastructure more important than in the past. Over time, green infrastructure developments grew more detailed and complex; since the end of the 20th century, they have become one of the most important goals of urban development, focusing on the environment and healthy living conditions. In the early stages of project development, the needs of urban residents and the active utilisation of green areas are factors of growing importance; refining design and construction has also become a more intricate process. Significant changes to the original style of plans has taken place over the past decades, evolving with the needs of the era and technological advances, requiring suitable action to maintain pace with enhanced developments.
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