7th International Scientific Practical Conference "Modern problems of reservoirs and their catchments"
External water exchange of reservoirs of South Ural
Vtorova, A.I.^1 ; Myakisheva, N.V.^2 ; Gorbatenko, A.A.^2
Department of Water Resources in the Chelyabinsk Region of the Lower Ob Basin Water Management, 13, Kalinina str, Chelyabinsk
484085, Russia^1
Russian State Hydrometeorological University, St. Petersburg, 98, Malookhtinsky Avenue, St.-Petersburg
195196, Russia^2
关键词: Anthropogenic interference;    Ecological characteristics;    Major factors;    River reservoirs;    River water;    South Ural;    Water exchange;    Water mass;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/321/1/012025/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1755-1315/321/1/012025
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】
Reservoirs are building worldwide for the rational usage of water resources. Engineers create reservoirs for redistribution of runoff both in seasonal and multi-annual regime. The duration of stay of river water in slow water exchange condition is one of the major factors which influences the transformation of the river water and the formation of water resources, which are specific to reservoirs. External water exchange of reservoirs is one the major hydrological and hydro-ecological characteristics. Value of water exchange defines the formation of water mass with determinate properties. Identification of the characteristics intensity of external water exchange of reservoirs allows to make an estimation of the processes under way in the system "river-reservoir" and to decide limnological tasks taking into account the change of climate. The definition of the typical differences taking into account anthropogenic interference in these conditions is especially valid.
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