4th School-Seminar of Young Russian Scientists "Problems of Sustainable Regional Development", dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Arnold Kirillovich Tulokhonov
Using the method of chemical dosimetry to evaluate the level of generation of active oxygen forms in advanced oxidation processes based on ultrasound
Aseev, D.G.^1 ; Krasnekov, D.S.^2
Baikal Institute of Nature Management SB RAS, Ulan-Ude
670047, Russia^1
Buryat State University, Ulan-Ude
670000, Russia^2
关键词: Acoustic cavitations;    Advanced Oxidation Processes;    Chemical transformations;    Dispersion and emulsification;    Expensive equipments;    High frequency ultrasounds;    Oxidation reactions;    Ultrasonic vibration;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/320/1/012043/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1755-1315/320/1/012043
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】
The widespread use of ultrasound is due to the diversity of phenomena occurring in an ultrasonic field. Ultrasonic vibrations initiate dispersion and emulsification of substances, contribute to coagulation and degassing, affect the processes of crystallization and dissolution. It is known that ultrasound causes various chemical transformations of a substance, including oxidation reactions, reduction, polymerization, etc. Research on the chemical effects of acoustic cavitation is an important task and for this, there are a large number of different chemical dosimeters of organic and inorganic nature. However, the proposed dosimeters have both advantages and disadvantages, including a long analysis time, high measurement errors, cost analysis, the use of expensive equipment. This work shows that the known substance butyl potassium dithiocarbonate can be used as a dosimeter of the effects of acoustic cavitation, in particular, high-frequency ultrasound 1.7 MHz, and has several advantages over the commonly used dosimeters. A large synergistic effect (2.26) was shown in the oxidation of dithiocarbonate from the combined effect of two directed at each other sources of ultrasound.
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