International Symposium on Bioremediation, Biomaterial, Revegetation, and Conservation
Local people awareness towards social forestry program: a case study of Ogan Komering Ulu District, South Sumatra Province, Indonesia
Lestari, S.^1 ; Premono, B.T.^1 ; Winarno, B.^1
Environment and Forestry Research and Development Institute, Palembang Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Jl. Kol. H. Burlian Km 6.5, Puntikayu Palembang South Sumatra, Indonesia^1
关键词: Agricultural crops;    Agroforestry system;    Economic values;    Environmental preservation;    Michelia champaca;    Ministry of environments;    Qualitative method;    Social forestries;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/308/1/012075/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1755-1315/308/1/012075
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】
Social forestry program is intended to improve people's welfare and at the same time as an effort to conserve the forest. This paper examines the awareness of local communities toward social forestry programmes implemented by Ministry of Environment and Forestry of Republic Indonesia. This research was taken place in Bumi Kawa Village, Ogan Komering Ulu District. Survey, interview and focus group discussion methods were employed to collect the data. Descriptive qualitative method was used to analyze the data obtained during the research. Almost all of the people interviewed have a particularly favourable perception of the social forestry programmes implemented. Currently, the community has accessed the forest area and planted it with coffee. With the existence of social forestry program, community access to forests becomes a legal activity. The community can manage the land by implementing agroforestry system that is developing agricultural crops under forest trees. The type of tree that has been well known by the community is bambang lanang (Michelia champaca). This type of plant is suitable to grow in this region and has economic value. Based on the discussion, social forestry program is the best type of management for running the forests in this area. Communities were willing to further participate in tree planting activities. Moreover, women also had positive perception towards social forestry program although they were not fully involved in managing the forest. Some incentives were needed so that the local people will continue to participate in the long term environmental preservation.
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