4th International Scientific Conference "Arctic: History and Modernity"
Modeling the management of a service underwater vehicle while maneuvering in an environment with obstacles
Vasilyev, I.^1 ; Leontyev, V.^1 ; Polovko, S.^1
Russian State Scientific Centre for Robotic and Technical Cybernetics, St. Petersburg, Russia^1
关键词: Computational experiment;    Dynamic parameters;    Industrial facilities;    Offshore facilities;    Offshore production platforms;    Professional risks;    Underwater operations;    Underwater vehicles;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/302/1/012058/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1755-1315/302/1/012058
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】
Difficulty in the development of the Arctic and the Far North are associated not only with the harsh natural conditions, but also with extreme professional risk. High-risk underwater operations at industrial facilities requires for underwater robots. Many works (inspection, docking with manifolds, etc.) are associated with operations in an environment with obstacles. The use of robotic systems is a natural choice in these conditions, especially at offshore facilities. The most difficult and dangerous are underwater operations on offshore production platforms and transporting offshore pipelines. For high-risk underwater operations at industrial facilities, service autonomous underwater vehicles (PA) are required. Many works (inspection, operations on manifolds docked with collectors, etc.) are associated with operations in an environment with obstacles; therefore the kinematic scheme of the underwater vehicle should provide increased maneuverability and ease of use when working in an environment with obstacles. When developing the appropriate control mode for the underwater vehicle (UV), it is important to consider the dynamic parameters of the UV when solving the problem of its positioning (the positioning problem itself can be solved by means of a technical vision system - TVS). The article discusses two generalized models of UV for work on man-made objects and the results of computational experiments that simulate the reduction of UV to a target point, the coordinates of which are determined using the TVS.
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