5th International Seminar on Sciences
Synthesis of cassava starch based nano-hydrogels using gamma irradiation
Puspita, I.^1 ; Winarti, C.^2 ; Maddu, A.^1 ; Kurniati, M.^1
Department of Physics, IPB University, Bogor
16680, Indonesia^1
Indonesian Center for Agricultural Postharvest Research and Development, Bogor
16112, Indonesia^2
关键词: Acid hydrolysis;    Ethanol precipitation;    Gamma irradiation;    Hydrogel formation;    Modified starches;    Starch nanoparticles;    Synthetic polymers;    Unstable structures;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/299/1/012009/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1755-1315/299/1/012009
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

Cassava tubers are one of the most starch producers in Indonesia, which is third after rice and corn. Cassava tubers starch can be used as raw material of natural polymer-based nanohydrogel synthesis. The use of natural polymers promises superior properties such as more eco-friendly, cheaper prices because their raw materials are available naturally in abundant quantities compared to synthetic polymers. To obtain similar properties to synthetic, this study modified starch using acid hydrolysis method for 2 hours and 24 hours. The ethanol precipitation method is then carried out to produce nano-particle starch. The process of nano-hydrogel formation was cunducted by gamma irradiation. The results showed that the size of starch nanoparticles was between 14.97 - 492.7 nm. Nano-hydrogel with gamma irradiation treatment has 256.81% of swelling power, 83.35% of gel fraction, and 3.81 mJ of hardness. Meanwhile, the treatment without gamma irradiation has 365.47% of swelling, but has an unstable structure, this is indicated by 61.45% of gel fraction and 2.36 mJ of hardness.

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