2019 5th International Conference on Energy Materials and Environment Engineering
Design of Environmental Monitoring System for Sports Stadiums and Gymnasiums of Jiangxi Teachers College in China
Gao, Jianxin^1 ; Gao, Jianjun^2 ; Shu, Yuan^1
Department of Sports, Jiangxi Teachers College, Yingtan, Jiangxi
335000, China^1
Laboratory, Yuxian Jijiazhuang Middle School, Zhangjiakou, Hebei
075735, China^2
关键词: Environment monitoring system;    Environmental monitoring system;    Hardware devices;    Mental health;    Scientific decisions;    Sports stadiums;    Traditional management;    Zigbee protocols;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/295/2/012067/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1755-1315/295/2/012067
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】
With the application of basketball hall, swimming pool, comprehensive gymnasium and field hall in the new campus of Jiangxi teachers college, the monitoring and construction of the safe environment of sports teaching venues have aroused the common concern of schools, sports bureaus and other relevant departments. Taking the gymnasium of Jiangxi teachers college as an example, this paper proposes a gymnasium environment monitoring system based on ZigBee protocol. The system achieves data transmission and processing, information sending and reminding services through temperature, humidity, smoke, CO2 sensors and hardware devices such as ZigBee gateway. The application of this system in school gymnasiums and other fitness venues can not only ensure the physical and mental health of students to a greater extent, but also make the management of the gymnasium more efficient, safe and convenient, and solve the shortcomings of traditional management methods, so as to provide scientific decision-making basis for the management of university gymnasiums in China.
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