4th International Conference of Indonesian Society for Remote Sensing
Study of Correlation of Residential and Industrial Growth Pattern in Semarang City to the Aquifer Capacity Changes in the Year 2014-2017
Prasetyo, Yudo^1 ; Bashit, Nurhadi^1 ; Simarsoit, Yonanda^1
Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Lab, Geodesy Engineering Dept, Faculty of Engineering, Diponegoro University, Jl. Prof. Soedharto SH, Tembalang-Semarang, Central Java
50277, Indonesia^1
关键词: Correlation coefficient;    Environmental change;    Impact on the environment;    Industrial activities;    Land subsidence;    Positive correlations;    Semarang City;    Shallow aquifers;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/280/1/012001/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1755-1315/280/1/012001
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

The growth of urban areas dominated by residential and industrial land cover will encourage the high use of clean water and land loading (compaction due to building loads). The use of water in people's daily lives and industrial activities still relies on nature, namely in the form of groundwater or aquifers. Continuous water collection, especially in big cities in Indonesia, will have a negative impact on the environment which results in changes in the environment itself. Environmental changes due to the impact of taking water that might occur are land subsidence (LS). For this reason, this study will examine the relationship of the impact of the development of residential areas in the city of Semarang on the decline of shallow aquifer capacity (SAC), deep aquifer capacity (DAC) and (LS). Observation of changes in SAC in this study was observed in the type of shallow aquifer using shallow wells (SA) data. For the growth of the residential area of Semarang will be focused on the land cover of residential and industrial areas in the 2014-2017 period. The overlapping method is used to correlate the effect of changes in shallow and deep aquifer capacity in Semarang City. The results of this study get the correlation value of changes in shallow aquifer depth and settlement has a very high correlation from 2014 to 2018 with the percentage always above 50%. From 2014 to 2015 the correlation of shallow aquifer with settlements was 73.78%, from 2015 to 2016 86.88%, from 2016 to 2017 53.69% and in 2017 to 2018 61.54%. The level of correlation of changes in the depth of the deep aquifer level with the industrial area has a low correlation with a large correlation coefficient of only 0.02322. For the direction of the growth of residential areas and industries have a positive correlation with the capacity of the deep and shallow aquifers where the direction of growth of the region follows the pattern extending along the main roads in the city of Semarang.

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