International science and technology conference "Earth science"
Multiparameter Control of Schoolchildren's Mastery of the Basic Educational Program
Sergeevna, P.A.^1
Vladimir State University Named after Alexader Grigoryevich and Nickolay Grigo-ryevich Stoletovs, Vladimir, Russia^1
关键词: Educational program;    Educational standards;    Monitoring results;    Morphological analysis;    Multiparameter control;    Personal development;    Scientific method;    Subject-Domain model;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/272/3/032229/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1755-1315/272/3/032229
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】
Based on the requirements of the educational standards, groups of parameters were revealed, according to which educational achievements should be monitored. It includes assimilation of theoretical material, the performance of tasks and exercises, the performance of laboratory and practical work, the intersubject skills, personal development, health. Information systems (IS) used in educational practice have a problem of insufficient quality in terms of functional completeness, namely, they provide control only for half of the required groups of parameters. Increase in functional completeness of IS can lead to significant increase in size of the data which are stored in system. Consequently, the processing time of monitoring results also increases, which reduces the productivity of IS. The article considers the problem of improving the quality of the functioning of the information system of multiparametric control of schoolchildren's educational achievements. Within the framework of the subject domain modeling, using the principles of such general scientific methods of research as structural and morphological analysis, a model of the object structure of schoolchildren's educational achievements has been created. It has the form of a morphological hierarchical tree and includes more than 80 educational results to be collected, stored and processed. The analysis of the time of formation of a report with a multiparametrical mark of the schoolchildren was carried out. The conclusion is drawn that in scales of the subject of the state temporal time delays will have unacceptable value. The method of increase in system performance is applied, namely - the denormalization used for optimization of the diagram of data storage. Results of an experiment according to productivity of the developed information system showed efficiency of the applied method.
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