International science and technology conference "Earth science"
Development of Mathematical Model of Circular Grill of Piece-Smooth Profiles and Creation on Its Basis of Gas-Sucting Fans
Makarov, N.V.^1^2 ; Makarov, V.N.^1 ; Franyuk, E.E.^1
FGBOU VO ural State Mining University, Kuibyshev st.30, Yekaterinburg
620144, Russia^1
Ventilation Ecology Safety LTd, Sobolev st.19, Yekaterinburg
620036, Russia^2
关键词: Aerodynamic loading;    Circular gratings;    Circular lattices;    Circulation control;    Innovative technology;    Mineral raw material;    Mining operations;    Singular points;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/272/3/032075/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1755-1315/272/3/032075
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

Further intensification of mining operations, application of innovative technologies that ensure efficient extraction and processing of mineral raw materials is limited by the requirements to the air and gas dynamic safety system, one of the energy-intensive elements of which are gas-sucking fans characterized by insufficient adaptability and aerodynamic loading. Using the Christofel-Schwartz equation, taking into account the theory of attached vortices, the Chaplygin method of singular points and residues, the conformal mappings method was modified and an additive mathematical model of the circular lattice of "S" -shaped profiles with circulation control vortexes was developed. The uniqueness of the obtained solution is proved up to a constant for the given parameters of vortex sources. A technique for calculation of aerodynamic schemes of adaptive highly loaded circular gratings with "S" -shaped profiles and built-in vortex sources is proposed. A parametric series of patented block-modular gas-sucking ventilators was developed on the basis of the designed aerodynamic scheme of TS145- 20, providing for the coverage of ventilation regimes for gas-abundunt coal mines for a perspective up to 2025. The test results of the prototype gas-sucking fan BPVG-7 confirmed the increase in adaptability by more than 50% and aerodynamic loading by 35%.

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