International science and technology conference "Earth science"
Method for Calculating the Viscosity of Multicomponent Oil Blend
Tashbulatov, R.R.^1 ; Karimov, R.M.^1 ; Mastobaev, B.N.^1 ; Makarenko, O.A.^1
Department of Oil and Gas Pipeline Transportation and Storage, Ufa State Petroleum Technological University (USPTU), FSBEI HE, 1 Kosmonavtov St., Ufa
450062, Russia^1
关键词: Approximation equations;    Chemical interactions;    Comparative analysis;    Mixture formation;    Multicomponent mixture;    Priori information;    Rheological property;    Viscosity modeling;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/272/2/022196/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1755-1315/272/2/022196
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】
The paper shows the possibility of modeling a multicomponent mixture of oils with various rheological properties using simplex coordinates. Basing on the known priori information of the mixture formation for binary systems, the authors proposed a model for describing the multicomponent mixture formation of treated oils. The model is based on the assumption of the linear character of the level surfaces of the viscosity model of the multicomponent mixture. This model is applicable in the absence of chemical interaction between the components, especially of a minimum of viscosity, singular and irrational properties that arise quite rarely in cases of mixing oils of various origin. The article also contains analysis of the application of the existing Sheffe approximation equations for modeling the viscosity change with multicomponent mixing in a system of simplex coordinates and possibility of increasing their accuracy at the transition of modeling to logarithm of viscosity. Experiments of a three-component mixing of treated oils were made, that show good results of convergence with the model proposed by the authors and the second-order Sheffe equation with modeling of the logarithm of viscosity. A comparative analysis of all the models is performed on the basis of the criterion of the average risk functional, taking into account the correctness of correlation of complexity of the model with the amount and level of error of the available data. Plans and tasks for further studies of multicomponent mixing have been outlined.
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