International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Green Technology 2018
Microwave energy-assisted extraction of bioactive polyphenols with green technology based on magnetic ionic liquid and their stability under different conditions
Guo, Zhangxing^1 ; Chen, Chen^1 ; Yohannes, Alula^1 ; Yao, Shun^1
Sichuan University, School of Chemical Engineering, Department of Pharmaceutical and Biological Engineering, Chengdu
610065, China^1
关键词: Energy-efficient techniques;    External magnetic field;    Extraction efficiencies;    Intermolecular interactions;    Large-scale applications;    Magnetic ionic liquids;    Microwave-assisted extraction;    Spectroscopic characterization;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/268/1/012072/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1755-1315/268/1/012072
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】
In recent years microwave-assisted extraction has been proved as a more rapid and energy-efficient technique than conventional ways, here it was employed in this study and a kind of magnetic ionic liquid (C3MIMFeCl4) was used as green medium for tea polyphenols (TP). Due to the strong polarity of the ionic liquid, it can quickly absorb microwave energy and increase the temperature; thus the extraction time will be greatly shortened. As the result, it was found when microwave power was set at 200 W, solid-liquid ratio was 1:20 and extraction time was 7 min, the highest extraction efficiency of 0.8 mol/L C3MIMFeCl4 could be obtained as 159.8 mg/g. Compared with ultrasonic-assisted mode used in previous study, the extraction time was shortened significantly from 300 min to 7 min. Moreover, magnetic ionic liquid can be easily recovered by external magnetic field. Finally, stability of TP was further investigated under related conditions by spectroscopic characterization meanwhile related intermolecular interactions; it was found IL could provide greater stabilization energy for these extracted objects in this study at some extent. The results of above research are expected to provide useful references for large-scale application of green technology based on ILs and TP production.
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