2019 3rd International Workshop on Renewable Energy and Development
Sensitivity Analysis of Cantilever Construction Process of Long-Span Continuous V-Structure Composite Bridge
Qi, Tiedong^1 ; Du, Yantao^2 ; Peng, Bo^3
China-Road Transportation Verification and Inspection Hi-Tech Co. Ltd, Beijing
100000, China^1
Changchun Municipal Engineering Design and Research Institute, Changchun, Jilin
130000, China^2
School of Transportation and Science Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, Heilongjiang
150000, China^3
关键词: Bridge constructions;    Cantilever construction process;    Driving comfort;    Physical parameters;    Structural systems;    Temperature changes;    V structures;    Zhejiang Province;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/267/5/052045/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1755-1315/267/5/052045
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

As a large and complex structural system, each change of physical parameters will have a certain degree of influence on the whole structure. Taking the navigable hole bridge of the main bridge of Yueqing Bay No. 1 Bridge in Zhejiang Province as an example, the influence of concrete bulk density, temperature change, elastic modulus, prestress tensioning, shrinkage plus creep of concrete on the bridge deformation is considered, that is, the sensitivity analysis of parameters. Thus, the parameters together with their effects which have a great influence on the structure in the process of bridge construction are determined and adjusted in time to ensure the linear smoothness of the bridge, the safety of the structure, and the improvement of the driving comfort and the aesthetics of the bridge.

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