2018 4th International Conference on Environmental Science and Material Application
Research on Data Auditing Technology Based on PARCC
He, Jindong^1 ; Tang, Zhijun^1 ; Zhao, Zhichao^1 ; Luo, Fucai^2 ; Lin, Chenghua^1 ; Wu, Dan^1
State Grid Fujian Electric Power Research Institute, Fuzhou Fujian
350007, China^1
State Grid Fujian Electric Power Company Limited, Fuzhou Fujian
350003, China^2
关键词: Computing environments;    Data signatures;    Privacy protection;    Public auditing;    Regenerative coding;    Repair process;    Technology-based;    Trusted agents;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/252/3/032175/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1755-1315/252/3/032175
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

In order to improve the data security in the computing environment, a "public auditing" scheme PARCC was proposed for the regenerative coding data in the cloud computing system. PARCC allows the user to use a third-party auditor TPA to remote check the integrity of the data. In addition, in order to solve the data owner without online failure data/signature of regeneration, was introduced to the system in one and a half-trusted agent, and designed a new data signature scheme, allowing the agent to replace the data owner to provide renewable data valid signatures. Considering the privacy protection of data, the random cover method of coefficient in PARCC scheme ensures that the user data will not be leaked during the audit and repair process. The safety of the scheme is proved, and the performance of the scheme is comprehensively evaluated and analyzed through the theory. The results show that the scheme has good performance.

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