International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture for Rural Development 2018
Observation of root architecture at vegetative stage of drought tolerant rice genotypes using mini pot method
Susanto, U.^1 ; Rohaeni, W.R.^1 ; Prastika, D.^1 ; Azkia, F.W.^1
Indonesian Center for Rice Research, Jalan Sukamandi 9, Subang, West Java
41256, Indonesia^1
关键词: Block designs;    Drought tolerances;    Rice crops;    Rice genotypes;    Root architecture;    Root growth;    Three zones;    Water conditions;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/250/1/012081/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1755-1315/250/1/012081
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

One of the important root traits affecting drought tolerant in rice crop is root architecture. Sufficient number of vertical and deep root growth supports for higher capability of water and nutrient intake by plant. This research aimed to evaluate drought tolerance of 60 rice genotypes based on number and proportion of vertical root growth. The experiment was managed according to randomized complete block design of three replications. A pot is representing a unit data. The experiment was conducted in ICRR screen house in Sukamandi during October to December 2016. The seeds were placed on a modified sunken sieve in pot with soil media. The sieve was separated into three zones, i.e. representing vertical, medium, and horizontal root growth. The plant was established in optimum water condition for 42 days. The results showed that 42 genotypes had comparable root architecture with IR64 Dro1 line, a line having Dro1 gene which controlled vertical root growth. Among them, Inpari21, BP16178M-1D-SKI-13-8-1, HHZ5-SKI-7-1-0Kr-JK-IND, Inpari18, Towuti, and Bahbutong (1182) had either high number of vertical root growth (more than 10 roots) as well as high proportion of the vertical root growth (more than 40%). The genotypes were suspected to have good drought tolerant due to the root architecture.

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