4th International Conference on Energy Equipment Science and Engineering
Research on social vulnerability evaluation of urban fringe based on street scale—Taking Chang'an district of Xi'an as an example
Yang, Xiaojun^1^2 ; Shi, Tingli^1 ; Wang, Yiyi^1 ; Li, Xiuyuan^1
Xi'An International Studies University, Tourism Academy Institute of Human Geography, Xi'an, Shanxi Province
710128, China^1
Shanxi Tourism Research Institute, Xi'an, Shanxi province
710128, China^2
关键词: Highly-correlated;    Interference factor;    Landscape fragmentation;    Rapid urbanizations;    Social vulnerability;    Spatial statistical analysis;    Sustainability assessment;    Theoretical framework;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/242/5/052018/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1755-1315/242/5/052018
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

Vulnerability theory is an important tool for analyzing the degree, mechanism and process of human-land interaction, and provides a new perspective for sustainability assessment research.The interference factor of this study is rapid urbanization, and the entry point is the street space scale.Taking the northwestern part of Chang'an District of Xi'an as an example, the social vulnerability assessment index suitable for the study area is selected, and the social vulnerability theoretical framework and the index evaluation method are combined. The RS/GIS spatial statistical analysis method analyzes the social vulnerability assessment and its influencing factors of the street units in the study area. The research results show that: (1) The spatial distribution of social vulnerability is unbalanced and the contradiction between human and land is prominent.The spatial unit is highly correlated with the system in which it is located.(2) Changes in land use patterns and landscape fragmentation are the direct causes of the vulnerability of social systems in urban fringe areas, while the social system transition and urbanization in urban fringe areas are dislocated to aggravate the negative impact of urbanization.

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