6th Annual 2018 International Conference on Geo-Spatial Knowledge and Intelligence
Design of CMOS Power Amplifier for LTE MTC System Transmitter
Fan, Xiangning^1 ; Tao, Jian^1 ; Zhu, Xiangfei^2
Institute of RF-andOE-ICs, School of Information Science and Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing
210096, China^1
Institute of RF-andOE-ICs, School of Integrated Circuit, Southeast University, Nanjing
210096, China^2
关键词: Application requirements;    Average efficiencies;    CMOS power amplifiers;    Communication standards;    High-linearity power amplifiers;    Linear amplifiers;    Maximum output power;    Power-added efficiency;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/234/1/012102/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1755-1315/234/1/012102
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

An high linearity power amplifier based on TSMC 65nm LP CMOS process was designed, which can meet the application requirements of LTE MTC communication standards in 1.8 8∼1.92GHz band, and the average efficiency was improved. As the core module of the system, the power amplifier employs a two-stage linear amplifier structure, and implemented with the technique of lossy networks and matching compensation, meets the requirements of indicators in wide-band range. According to the post-simulation results, in the working frequency band of 1.88∼1.92GHz, the proposed PA achieves maximum output power of more than 26dBm, power gain is over 20dB.The OP1dB is more than 24dBm,and the power added efficiency (PAE) at OP1dB is over 25%.The simulated S11 is under -10dB and achieved good input matching feature.

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